Friday, March 28, 2008

Sense of Style

This morning while I read on the couch, Keeley played in the living room and her room. After a little while, she brought me a pair of socks. She handed them to me and signed "more". When I asked if she wanted to wear them she said "yea". So I put the Christmas socks on her feet - over her footy pjs.

I read for a little longer and she brought me two more pairs of socks. The interaction was the same as I put on the purple socks. However, she kept signing "more" until I put on the pink socks as well. So, now she has on footy pjs and three pairs of socks.

I was pleased to see when I went to put her down for a nap that her room was not covered in socks. Apparently she was taking them out of the drawer and closing it each time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Foot Singing

Keeley took off her shoe and sock (right foot only) today on the way home from the mall. She then held her naked foot in her hand and sang to it the entire trip.

Strangely quiet

Keeley has really enjoyed exploring our house lately. For the most part, I just keep doors closed where she shouldn't be going and let her roam. I figure that it is probably good for her to entertain herself. Today while I was straightening up in the kitchen, it got strangely quiet in my house. Usually, that is a sign that she is "reading". I went to all her reading spots and didn't find her so I start to call for her. This is how she met me. I know the first is a little blurry but look at how happy she is!

I was confused how she managed to get an entire roll off the holder so I wandered into our room and found this. Why did she take them all out? Who knows!?!?

She followed me and carried her one roll with her. Look how serious her face is with her offering!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The wheels are turning...

I LOVE that Keeley is getting more involved in her world and figuring out how things work! It is so neat to watch her play and observe how she is deliberately experimenting with things. My friend Stephanie and her son Henry got Keeley the magnetic leap frog barn for her birthday.I really wanted it and have to admit that watching her push the farmer and dance to the song he sings is adorable. Anyway, I have the farm and all the animal parts scattered on the dishwasher. First, she discovered that the farm comes off so she has been carrying it around. Then she realized she can put it back on but that it only works one way (colors out, magnet to the back...) . She hasn't figured out how to put the pieces in (she's only one people! give her time!!!). However, today she figured out that she can put the pieces on and off the dishwasher but that they don't stick other places. She carried the duck and pig head around the kitchen and kept trying to stick them on other things - like the pantry, the chair, the cabinets - only to realize they fall to the ground. She'd look down with a confused gaze, pick up the piece and then go try it somewhere else.

Kids are really amazing.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Tired...but happy

Keeley woke up screaming at 5:30 this morning. I have no idea why but I swear I'm really beginning to believe that she senses that things aren't quite right and that throws her off. Poor thing woke up yesterday and spent the entire morning without me and then when I came home with her dad, she wasn't allowed to get close to him (doctor ordered no lifting and to keep Keeley at an arm's length away).

I scooped her up and went back to bed hoping that she'd fall asleep with me (I don't know why I even bothered because that hasn't worked since month 2). We stayed in bed until 6:30 at which point I decided it was silly to keep trying to go to sleep. At least I got to have my eye closed, be lying down, and be in the dark...

We got up to get breakfast started and Kelly came in the kitchen. He slept in the other room last night so I wouldn't accidentally bop his nose. I assumed he slept well, but he didn't :-( He woke up with a stiff neck and had to take more pain medication.

I fed Keeley, helped Kelly get taken care of, got her back down to sleep and then was able to nap while she did - for 1 hour. She woke up happy as can be and is currently opening and closing the doors to the study while one of our dogs tries to get in here and the other tries to get out. It is, apparently, quite entertaining to her to close the door and then look through the glass at the dog on the other side.

The things no one tells you about before you become a parent...

but look at this face -

(hair from a nap with Mom)

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Purple Boa

Keeley likes to dress up. Today my mom watched her during the torture session. She pointed out to me that the purple feathers from her boa are stuck in the dermabond the surgeon put on Keeley's scar. Now she has a purple, slightly feathery stripe in her hair!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Keeley!!!

It was just about this time 1 year ago that Keeley was getting ready to make her appearance in the world. Our lives have been turned completely topsy turvy and we love it. She is the absolute love of our lives and definitely a pro at keeping us on our toes! It is just so hard to believe that last year this was her on March 15th...

and this is her today!
A lot has changed in a year! We love you little monkey.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Playtime with the Dogs

Now that Keeley can walk and it is pretty outside, she can play with the dogs. We played outside for quite a while today. Every time I would try to bring her in, she would sign more and walk back to the door. Here are some pictures of her.

Maggie thinking that Keeley is actually capable of throwing the ball for her.

Keeley watching Carbo be a spaz.

"Wait! I was playing with that!"

Trying to get the inside ball out.

Quite confused...

Bringing it to me to see if I can help

Telling me the dogs are barking. Do you see the "dog" face? I see it a million times a day!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Report on the cyst

For all of you that have been wondering about Keeley's cyst, everything is fine. We went today for our 1 week check-up and they said that it is healing perfectly and that the pathology report came back as a dermoid cyst. That is what we were expecting and it is good because those are benign. There is a 10-25% chance of recurrence but our chances are a little less likely since they were able to get the entire cyst wall. Keeley is completely unconcerned by it. Next week we have to go back to have the stitches removed - I am NOT looking forward to doing that alone! Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


While I was loading the dishwasher, Keeley went into our room and brought out the empty laundry basket. She pushed it around for a while. I looked in the living room after the dishwasher was loaded and found this...

Caught in the act! She was clapping for herself.

I seem to remember the surgeon saying we should protect her head...

Friday, March 7, 2008

Moo, Baa, La La La

After our afternoon snack, I set Keeley down in the kitchen and started to clean dishes. A few moments later, she toddled off to the living room. I heard her coming back into the kitchen (she had put on her jingle bell necklace) and glanced down and she was looking up at me holding her "Moo, Baa, La La La" book up with an expectant look. How cute is that? My daughter brought me her favorite book to read. Of course we went in the living room and cuddled while we read for a while. Being a mom is great.

This was definitely the calm before the storm. As you read the rest of this post, please remember the following:

1. My husband is out of town until Sunday. I was initially nervous about this but calmed down when I realized I do all but a couple hours by myself each day anyway during the week so this should be no big deal. Little did I know...

2. My newly walking one year old just had a procedure done on her head that requires us to make sure she doesn't fall and bump it.

3. I am 7 months pregnant. In other words, I am huge, slow, and uncoordinated.

After she finished reading, she toddled off and got her cookie jar toy to bring over to me. Unfortunately she is clumsy and I am slow. She stumbled forward and the cookie jar smacked my lip - leaving me with a fat lip. That's okay though, she didn't hit her head or bump her teeth so I was happy.

I was in the kitchen a little while later and she was exploring the pantry. She does this every evening and her latest fascination has been the rice and the soft drinks. She hasn't opened either yet so I just let her play. (Crystal, I should have paid more attention to your corn flake post). Here is my daughter trying to open her Dr. Pepper. She is standing by the door to the utility room.
A mere moments after I snapped this picture, she dropped the Dr. Pepper can and started crying. You see, we have entered the phase where crying is required when things don't work out like you expect them to. She thought that the can would just roll like it had every other time. What she did not expect was an explosion of Dr. Pepper to get all over her. So, now I have a crying 1 year old, a very wet and sticky floor, and Dr. Pepper EVERYWHERE. It is on my walls, my ceiling, my kitchen table. It sprayed almost to my front door from where she dropped it and as far back as the entrance to our bedroom area.

I laughed. What else do you do? The scene was just absurd. I picked Keeley up and got to cleaning the walls (while I was holding her). Eventually, she wanted to get down however and started trying to walk away. I couldn't have that because the floor was slippery and she was likely to fall, so I decided to mop.

I got out a bucket and filled it with water. My main objective was to clean up the sticky - I'd deal with the dirt factor later. I set her down at the end of the hall and got to work. I looked up to her splashing in the bucket of water. Gross. Now, my floors get cleaned every two weeks but I have two dogs and a husband that is in a warehouse everyday. Oh well. Germs are good for you right? I continued mopping. I looked up because I hear splashing - loud splashing. My adorable daughter has dumped the entire bucket of water on the floor. I scoop her up and carefully try to go get some towels.

Finally, the mess is cleaned up (minus the parts up high - I don't belong on a chair cleaning the ceilings at 7 months pregnant) and I decide that we should both just hop in the shower to rinse the grossness off. I go and get everything prepared. Shower water is on and a good temperature, clothes and towels for both of us are ready, dogs are outside. I open the shower door with Keeley in my arms and happen to glance down and notice ants in my shower. SERIOUSLY do I have to deal with ants now? I can't have ants where we are about to sit. I rinse them down the drain and we step into play. We stayed in the shower until Keeley started pulling on the bar that holds up all our shampoo and soap. I cannot handle anything else! (Why did I even think that....)

We get dried off and went to eat dinner. Later in the bath, Keeley falls and scares herself and screams hysterically (even though all that got hurt was her feelings). FINALLY the day is over and she is in bed. It would be great if I could just sit back and relax with a nice glass of wine (or shot of tequila...) but, alas, I am pregnant so it will be water for me.

Keeley's face at dinner...I was feeling the same way!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

State of the Monkey

Last night, Monica, Stevie, and Judah brought dinner over so Keeley got to stay up late and play with Judah. They both really enjoyed playing with the red car that Keeley's Oma and Poppy got her for Christmas.This morning, despite the fact that she was severely lacking sleep, Keeley was up at 6:45 - right on schedule. I walked in her room, she smiled and held up her pacifier and then noticed the dogs and started saying "dog." I would say we are back to normal!

I've also decided to re-frame my thoughts. Instead of getting annoyed that Keeley doesn't catch up on sleep by sleeping in, I think I should be happy that she is very consistent with her going to bed and waking up schedule. That really is a healthy thing right?

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Surgery Day

Well, I'm hoping we are on the upside of things. We had a HORRIBLE night (no idea why). Keeley was awake from 12:15 until 2:30 - so we were too. We had to wake up at 4:30 to get to the hospital on time so we are all very, very tired. To make matters worse, it snowed last night. SNOW in March. Our house was still covered when we arrived home.

Besides signing for milk a lot while she was waiting, Keeley did pretty well before surgery. They told us that they don't usually give the "goofy juice" (stuff they give the babies to relax them before they take them away) to little ones that aren't one year old yet because they don't have separation anxiety. I quickly corrected them and let them know that our little one definitely does have separation anxiety and there was no way she was leaving my arms and going peacefully down the hall with a nurse. They decided to give her the goofy juice which I swear made her look drunk. She got very cuddly and giggly.

Drunk Keeley

Giggly drunk Keeley

It sure worked too because that nurse took her and Keeley didn't even look back at us.

My daughter NOT having separation anxiety - a first

The surgery lasted about 30 minutes. They said everything went fine. She has about 8 stitches and will have to get them removed in 2 weeks. The doctor said that the cyst was right under the skin and that it looked like they expected. They send everything to pathology just to be sure but she didn't seem concerned.

Battle scars

She said we need to be careful that she doesn't bump her head (that will be a feat with a newly walking little one) or do any strenuous activity for 3 weeks. THREE WEEKS! That is a long time to keep our little one still. I asked about her birthday party and she said she thought that would be okay. We'll just have to make sure to watch her pretty carefully.

The recovery nurses told us that as soon as Keeley start to come to, she started dancing to the beat of her heart rate monitor. Did I mention we have a very busy child? She drifted in and out of sleep in recovery and slept very hard on the way home. As soon as we got home and walked inside, however, she raised her hand, took out her pacifier, and said "dog" as she looked for the dogs.

She's a little fussy but getting better now that she has some food in her tummy and we gave her some Tylenol. In theory, she should be drowsy because it is Tylenol with codeine - but she shows no signs of sleep. I guess it is good we discover that she gets wired now rather than tonight.

We finally took a nap. By we, I mean all of us. Keeley was too clingy to be put down today by herself but that's okay because we all needed to sleep. We climbed in bed and slept for about an hour and a half. We were awakened to Keeley saying "dog" - my new least favorite word in the dictionary! She's eaten some more and seems to be fine.

Monday, March 3, 2008


My daughter really cracks me up sometimes. We had another exceptionally clingy day and another night of rocking to sleep...but she still makes me laugh.

Why are all the peas in the cup holder? I have no idea. She picked them out one by one and placed them there - periodically leaning over the tray to make sure they were still there.

Clingy Days

Well, Keeley has finally started saying "mama." Unfortunately, she chose to practice it (rather loudly) for the majority of church on Sunday. Oh well...I'm happy she's decided to say it.

She still seems to feel that the most effective way to get my attention is to cry. Since Friday, Keeley has been a little "off." Until yesterday, I really didn't think much of it. She has just learned to walk and is working on her bottom two molars. I figured that would be enough to throw anyone off a little. She wasn't particularly fussy, just acted kind of weird and was eating and sleeping weird (well, as best I could tell with the sleep because it is always pretty weird).

Anyway, yesterday she got REALLY clingy. Fortunately, Kelly woke up with her so I got to sleep in a bit. Even with that, I was literally attached to Keeley from the time I woke up and got out of the shower until 9:30 last night (minus 1 one hour nap). Why didn't I let Kelly help you ask? I tried, all that did was result in a screaming or crying child. You might have also noticed I said 9:30 and been wondering when Keeley's bed time moved. It didn't. She is normally in bed between 6:30 and 7 (usually closer to 6:30). Last night however, going to bed took 3 hours.

We started off normally with her milk, bath, and rest of the routine. I laid her down and she instantly started crying. Sometimes she does that and calms down, last night, however, it escalated to screaming on the verge of hyperventilating within minutes. I went in and rocked with her for 30 minutes. She never fell asleep but I put her down again anyway to come confer with Kelly. We decided it might be teeth or an ear infection (she was biting me and pulling on her ears a lot) so we gave her some motrin and Kelly tried to rock with her. BIG mistake. She screamed and cried and fussed. It got louder and louder so I finally went in there to check on them - BIGGER mistake. After she saw me, she refused to calm down. He handed her to me and she was instantly calm so I started to rock with her again.

Thirty minutes later, I carried Keeley into the other room to tell Kelly we were going to have to try something else because she was still not asleep. We started the whole bed time routine over again - milk, bath, new pjs...everything. By this time it was almost 9 and the storms picked up in our area (just what you want when you are trying to put a fussy child down) and we kept losing power. Kelly and I got ready for bed (so there would be no noise in the house once she finally went to bed) while Keeley played on the floor. I had to hold her while I did most of my routine because she cried otherwise. When I set her down to wash my face, she whimpered and clung to my leg. We finished and I rocked with her for 30 more minutes and FINALLY laid a sleeping baby down at about 9:30.

Now, OTHER babies might have slept a little later this morning because they were up for 3 extra hours. Not Keeley. She was up and calling for me at 7:20 (that is about 30 minutes later than normal).

But, look how cute she is...

(courtesy of Taylor...