Thursday, May 31, 2012

Cute boy

Just some cute pictures from May of my little buddy.

Helping Daddy plant some bushes.  That kid loves to be outside.
Exploring the kitchen cabinet I stocked with his toys.
Trying out a spoon with his yogurt!
Success!  Messy, but successful!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Keeley has the cutest freckles right across the bridge of her nose.  During the summer they get more pronounced.  Love them!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Birthday girl!!!

Crown that came in the card from Grossmama.  So fun!
Our little princess is 4!  She is still full of energy and way too busy to sleep most of the time. We are constantly amazed at her powers of observation and the way she remembers the tiniest details (especially those we don't think she is paying attention to!)  There is nothing Keeley can do that Kayden feels is out of her reach.  That would explain why she was reading before her fourth birthday!  When something happens that she is not expecting, she gets very embarrassed.  As defiant as she is at times, it hast to be on her terms. If she accidentally hurts someone or breaks something, she is very, very upset about it.  There is a tender soul hiding behind all that activity!

Grandma came over to celebrate.  Here she is reading Kayden her card.
Kayden opening her presents from Mom and Dad.
Little Mermaid just like Keeley. Kayden loves Ariel and was upset that Keeley received one before Kayden did.
Present from Grandma.  Cute outdoor toy!  So fun for the crazy heat.
Blowing out her candles.  Grandma made her two cakes!  Lucky girl!!
  At her doctor's appointment, she met all her developmental checks just fine and was amazing for her shots.    Her stats are:
* Height - 40.5 inches (68%)
* Weight - 37 lbs (67%)

Just perfect!  I think we'll keep our baby monkey a little while longer!  She adds so much life to our family.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Yogurt Paint

Killian thinks he may be done with his morning nap.  This does not always work out very well for me.  Unfortunately, the time that I should put him down for his nap when he skips that first one is right at pick up time for the girls.  I've had to get pretty creative in keeping the grumpy at bay. Today I let him play with some almost expired yogurt paint in the shower.  I'm all about trying to contain the mess.

Of course he has to taste it.
A little playing...
More tasting...
Love that face!
Telling me he is all done.
LOVED the shower to rinse off.
He sat on the drain and got a good puddle to splash in.

After a bit I got him out and dried him off.  I then set about rinsing the yogurt off the shower and getting it cleaned up.  He decided to get into my sink cabinet.  Notice the childproof latch.  Also notice that he is throwing all my things in to the tub one at a time and then going back for more..

Friday, May 18, 2012

Reading folder!!

Kayden came home with a reading folder today!  She had three readers in it - Books 2 and 4 from the BOB books and then a book called Cat Ran. 

She told me she was scared to read because it was her first reading folder and Mrs. Stevens had told her that I was supposed to cover up the pictures when she read.  I was very confused because I had never gotten those instructions with Keeley's folder so I worried I had been doing hers wrong all this time.

She read the "Cat Ran" book today to me but I let her do it with the pictures the first time.  When I went to fill out her reading folder, there was a note that said, "She read Bob books 1-4 with Mrs. Stevens.  Cover pictures when she reads if she's memorized.  Very good job."  Ah.  Now it is making sense.  Both the instructions and the fact that when she read "Cat Ran" she said "pot" one time when the word was "pan".  She had just looked at the picture!    Too funny.  I'm not sure if she is better at memorizing the books she has watched Keeley read or actually reading but both of those skills are quite impressive to me.  When she gets frustrated that she can't read as well as Keeley, I remind her that she is not even quite 4 yet!  Amazing kiddo.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


At Sonic yesterday I was putting away all the food when the person with all the random stuff came and knocked on my window to ask if I needed anything.  I jumped a little and after I had told her I didn't need anything I said to the girls, "She scared me."  Keeley just looked right at me and said, "You mean she startled you."  I am totally blaming my brother for this.  Somehow he has influenced her to use the most accurate word because Keeley was correct - I wasn't scared, I was startled by the knock.  As for the fact that she pointed out I was wrong, I have only myself to blame for that.

You can trust God

The girls are going to Vacation Bible Camp this summer and I purchased the CD of the music for us to listen to in the car.  One of the songs says, "You, you, you, You can trust God."  While listening to it Kayden declared that she liked it.  I asked her why and she said, "Because it says you can trust God.  That's the truth, so I like it."  It made me smile.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Homemade Fingerpaint

I found a recipe online for some homemade finger paints and decided it would be fun to make them.  The girls don't eat them anymore, but they do use a lot and it gets expensive.  I thought this would be good because I would be saving money and brother could participate too.  They were really pretty.

I made them and then we ran out of day so we saved them for the following day.  Their consistency was  a little goopy when we used them but I couldn't tell you if that was the recipe or if it was the storage overnight. All three seemed to enjoy the sensory part even if the painting didn't work as well as I had envisioned.

First thing he did was taste it.
Girls exploring.  I didn't tell them they had to take their clothes off.  I warned them to be careful with the paint since it had food coloring in it and this was their solution.
Lots of eating and squishing.
Exploring the plate with all the colors.
We had to "hide" the girls finished work to let it dry.  We put it up in the tunnel of the play house.  Killian took this as an invitation to learn how to climb in.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Butterflies

For Mother's Day with Grandma I suggested we go see the butterflies at Collin Creek and then eat afterward. The girls both love insects and Keeley is obsessed with butterflies. I'd taken the girls to this before a few years ago and thought it would be perfect.  It is very small and indoors so the heat wouldn't be an issue.  They let you have q-tips dipped in juice so the butterflies come right up to you.  For some reason, the girls were in an off mood and they were terrified of the butterflies and can't say that they enjoyed it much.  A few cute pictures...

Killian was fascinated.
I caught this one and thought for sure Keeley would want to see it.  Not so much.
After we got them out of the tent I asked what they would like to do.  There were all sorts of butterfly things (crafts, face painting, etc.).  Kayden was done with the entire experience and just wanted to leave and Keeley wanted to do this....

 She is really coming out of her shell in so many ways! She had so much fun.  We watched her and then headed to eat.  My plan may not have worked out like I intended, but we were able to spend time with Grandma and all have fun.  That is the most important part.


Last Friday as the girls hoped in the car after school, Keeley handed me her weekend reading folder and went back to her seat.  Kayden looked at me with the saddest eyes.  When I asked what was the matter, she burst into tears and said, "I want to have a reading folder.  Keeley has a reading folder and I want to bring one home too."  I gave her a big hug and reminded her that Keeley was older so she had had more time to work on her moveable alphabet.  I told her how well she was doing on the moveable alphabet works and that she, too, would have readers soon.  None of that mattered to her.  She wanted a reading folder and she wanted it now.  It was the saddest thing.

Yesterday Kayden decided she was going to read.  And she did.  She sat down with the beginner Bob books we had and just started reading.  Don't tell that girl she can't do something.  She will certainly prove you wrong.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Time with Oma

For Mother's Day my mom said she wanted to come over and spend time with the kids and let Kelly and I go out.  I'll definitely take that! We went out Saturday so that I could avoid the crazy packed restaurants on Mother's Day itself.  The girls had some reading time and also did surgery on their dolls.  The material that connects the rubbery parts of them to the soft body was fraying and I had no idea how to fix it. 

I love this picture because Keeley is watching and Oma is working and Kayden is standing ON my mom's feet.  That cannot be comfortable!  Such a good Oma.

And Killian enjoyed playtime....

Thanks, Mom!  Loved the Mother's Day time!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Shaving cream fun!

Sometimes I struggle to find fun sensory activities that all the kids can enjoy, keep the mess contained, minimal injury possibility, safe for is tricky with their ages right now.  Particularly because if it is something that involves items to be manipulated, all of those items get taken over by the girls and poor Killian can't play.  One rainy day I thought it would be fun to let them play with shaving cream in the big tub.  They made such a ginormous mess in there!  The girls loved it but it made it to slippery for Killian.  He had fun, but it was a LOT of work for this mom to keep him safe/no shaving cream in mouth/keep it out of girls eyes...  Lesson learned!  Still got some cute pictures though!

He loved playing with the water the most.
Keeley wanted to be completely covered!

Flowers for Mom

Yesterday I was having just a pretty all around rotten day.  That happens.  I got very frustrated as the day wore on and the needs from the kids increased and I started to cry.  This upset the girls a great deal.  Keeley took my phone and came back a few minutes later and said, "Dad said to check the porch because you should have flowers today."  I told her that I had already gotten them and pointed to the pot right infront of me.  I explained that they would grow but weren't flowers yet.  Kayden looked at the pot and then took my phone.  She and Keeley went in the other room and Killian and I went outside (outside makes everyone more happy I think).  A couple of minutes later she handed me the phone and said Dad wanted to talk to me.  I took the phone and promptly said, "I'll tell them not to call you anymore.  I know you are working."  Kelly laughed and said, "Apparently I'm supposed to go to the store but that is going to put me home a little late."  I asked why and he said, "Do you not know?"  When I replied that I had no idea what he was talking about he said, "Kayden told me I have to go to Market Street and buy you some more flowers."  I guess she was unsatisfied with the ones that I had already received.  I got off the phone with Kelly and asked the girls why they had said I needed flowers and Kayden said, "Because you are the best Mommy ever."  Talk about some sweet kids I have.  I count myself very blessed.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Killian is ONE!

  Oh how this year has simply flown by.  I cannot belive that my baby is actually one.  I started the day singing  him "Happy Birthday".  He smiled so big and danced so sweetly that I sang it to him about 50 more times that day.  So adorably sweet.  

Killian is the biggest cuddle bug but also fiercely independent.  He has a strong opinion and is not afraid to voice it.  His timid first steps quickly turned into running and he will just about run down the hall if he hears you open the dishwasher or freezer.  If you have the nerve to open the front or back door and do not tell him, he will run down the hall throwing whatever is in his hands to try to get to you.  Closing the door is met with a full on tantrum.  He loves to be outside and play in the sand and dirt.  He also loves to play peek a boo and he thinks I'm funny.  He will laugh and laugh if I play peek a boo with him or chase him.  Kayden calls him "Chubber" about 98% of the time - both when speaking to him and talking about him.

Being with his sisters and doing whatever they are doing is of the utmost priority when they are home.  He is often found sitting in the hallway facing their closed doors and just waiting for them to come out.  If they do not, he will lay on the floor and stick his hands under the door while trying to peer under and see what they are doing in there.  When the girls get out of the car at school, he cries.  He loves them and I simply love watching their relationship.  He has two words - "daaa" for dog and "dada".  Sometimes when I get him out of the car he says, "dada" and I say, "I'm mama.  Can you say mama?"  He looks at me and laughs like I have just told him the funniest joke.  He will sign "all done" and "more".  I think he tries to sign "milk" but he still does the "all done" sign.  "More" can mean more of what I am having or just that he wants to eat something and then we have to guess.  He frequently puts his hand up in the air and makes a "this" sound but we have no idea what that means!

He loves to eat whatever we are eating. And he loves to do it himself.  When we feed him something that he cannot quite master alone yet (like applesauce or yogurt), he insists that he have a spoon also and gets to play with it in the bowl.  For breakfast he eats french toast sticks usually and for lunch he loves mac and cheese with peas and carrots in it.  Pirate booty is by far his favorite food though graham crackers come in as a close second.

I am continually amazed at how much he loves trucks and cars.  I swear I thought that was just a stereotype but he plays with them over most of his other options.  Unless he has managed to get one of the girls wands and then that is the favorite toy. His favorite things to do that are not actual toys are: play in the dog food and water and empty the contents of the cereal boxes on the ground

He has 8 teeth, loves bathtime, still nurses once during the wee morning hours and then before each of his naps and bedtime.  He sleeps from 6:30-6ish most days and takes a morning nap of about an hour and an afternoon nap that is just a smidge longer than an hour.  Some days he does not think he needs two naps so he just takes one - no longer though to make up for the hour he is down!

Here are some pictures from the month that haven't been posted already...
First popsicle.  Not sure what to make of it....
Fortunately he has two big sisters to show him what to do!

Playing in the drawer while I try to get ready.  After he managed to get the entire drawer out, I started waking up before the kids to get ready.  It was becoming very stressful!

In my car parked at school waiting for pick up.  He looks so old with his legs crossed sitting there between the seats!
Playing with one of his birthday toys.  He likes the bag more than the legos right now.
Here he is celebrating his birthday with a special cupcake.
Love that sweet little face.
Everyone singing to me!
Love it!!
Smashed it all around and then said he was done.

From the doctor's visit:
* Right on track with development except that he only has the 2 words.  She tried really hard to come up with a third, but he only has two.  By 15 months he is supposed to have 5.  We'll see how we do...His receptive language is great and he definitely tries to communicate, but we only have 2 words. She was amazed when I told her he is already trying to use a spoon because that is not something he needs to do until 15 months. 

* Weight: 21.65 lbs (55%)
* Length: 30 inches (55%)
* Head: 18 inches (18%)