Thursday, July 9, 2009

Public Toilets

Well, we have now had our first introduction to public toilets. I knew it was coming, I just wasn't prepared for it today since Keeley is still in diapers 99.9% of the time.

We went to the mall today to play and ride the carousel. Our mall has big family restrooms that have a kid sized toilet and an adult toilet. I wheeled the double stroller in with Kayden securely fastened in, Keeley, on the other hand, was walking because she didn't want to ride in the stroller.

I had just sat down and Keeley says "My go potty in little one" and I glance over to see no diaper and shorts around her ankles. I reached out to help her try to sit down only to hear her bottom plop into the toilet. Disgusting. To stop herself from falling all the way in, she is gripping the sides of the toilet. Also revolting. She then actually manages to tinkle in the potty -- well, sort of. Most of it ends up on the floor. With a HUGE grin she looked up and said "My did it! My tinkle in potty!" She then looked down and said "uh-oh. Keeley made a big mess". As she stands up to try to clean up all the tinkle on the floor, her shorts fall into the puddle. Fortunately, there was an air dryer in the bathroom so I could at least try to dry them. I didn't have extra clothes with me because we aren't "officially" potty training. I've learned my lesson! Dried urine on her shorts just completed the gross event!

Life with toddlers is NEVER boring.


  1. The BEST is yet to come!!! Your blogs make me laugh so much!!! you have got to "live and let live." There are SO much worse things that could and will happen=) Love you all!!=)

  2. I didn't realize all that drama happened in the time y'all were in the potty!

  3. Oh gross!
    Noah has managed to pee on me, in his face and twice on his back. Not sure how the incidents on his back occurred. He has some kind of magic pee-er. :)
