Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Snow Day

We got snow, and a lot of it.  My girls were happy because they understand that it is cold and snows in the winter and it was hard for me to explain to them that it doesn't usually snow here.  Unfortunately, we didn't get to play in it much because they were both pretty sick.  On Sunday night, we caved and let them play for a little bit. There was so much snow and it was so soft.  It seemed a shame to not let them experience it at all since who knows when we will have more!
All decked out and excited to walk through our flower beds.

Keeley amazed at how deep the snow is.  It almost comes over her boots.

Not quite sure what to make of this....

Probably not the best plan since she doesn't have water proof mittens, but she sure loved it.

Making a snow angel (her idea).  She didn't seem to mind too much that her pjs were getting wet and cold.  She giggled the whole time.

Kayden, however, didn't last as long.  She instantly stood up, turned toward the house and said, "I'm freezing" and she was done!
Kayden saved me toward the end of our playtime because she told Kelly to stop throwing snowballs at me!

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