For Father's Day we decided to head to the zoo. I've been a couple of times with the kids since we got the membership but Kelly hadn't been yet. We had so much fun. We got there right as they opened, of course, because the kids get up so early.
The girls like to measure themselves with these penguins. They were really upset that Killian wouldn't participate!
Feeding the giraffes! So fun!
Girls on the monorail. All three of the kids actually love the monorail every time we go. |
Again, three kids in tow (one of which is a very active toddler) means not many pictures. We saw the giraffes, elephants, and tigers. Killian wanted to see the tigers three different times. After we saw everything and had lunch, we played in the water and then bribed the kids with ice cream to get them headed toward the exit! On the way home, Kayden was asleep before we were even on the highway and Killian followed shortly thereafter. I had mandated a 30 minute "no talking" time so the kids could all fall asleep. Keeley didn't fall asleep and kept telling me, "Mom, if we can't talk, then you and Dad can't talk either." So bossy! Wonder where she gets it from....