Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Visit from Grandma

Kelly's mom came over on Sunday so that we could celebrate her birthday. It is always nice when people come to us because it is hard to get out with two different nap schedules. When she got here, Keeley was asleep and Kayden was awake. We put Kayden down shortly after she arrived and Keeley woke up 30 minutes or so later. After another 30 minutes, Kayden woke up. It was nice because she got to spend time with each of the girls alone and lots of time together.

Highlights of the visit:

1. Playing at the house with the horse on a stick. I tried to tell Kelly and Grandma that they shouldn't demonstrate how to ride it because Keeley thinks it is funny but can't do it herself. They didn't believe me. Grandma made many trips around the living room riding the pony. When she asked if Keeley wanted to ride, the response was "no" (which happens to be a common response to just about everything). I wasn't allowed to take pictures of the horse riding.

2. Keeley insisted on going to the park so we all headed out there. Keeley, Grandma, and Daddy played for a long time while Kayden and I hung out in the stroller.
This is how Kayden enjoyed the park

3. Grandma was able to stay for baths and bedtime. Kayden had to go down a little early so Grandma bathed her and then handed her over to me to feed and put down. Then Grandma and Dad bathed Keeley. Keeley actually requested that Grandma put her down so Grandma got to rock and read her stories.
Dad, Grandma, Keeley, and Keeley's baby all giving Kayden a bath

4. One of the funniest parts of the visit was when Keeley decided to use Grandma's name. At first it came out as "ma" but it quickly morphed to "mank". The next day Keeley even requested that "mank" come rock and read books with her. Mank might be the most unique grandparent name yet!

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