Monday, November 2, 2009

Parent /Teacher Conference

Keeley had her first parent/teacher conference today and all went well. Ms. Sutton told me that Keeley is an absolute joy to have in class and is exceptionally nurturing. Ms. Alva told me that Keeley really enjoys the transition room (where they learn works that they will do in primary) and has an amazing amount of concentration and focus. They both commented that she completes the circle well. I asked what that meant and they explained it refers to the circle of choosing a work, completing it appropriately, and then putting it back for the next child to use. Apparently, she even straightens other works she sees out of place (I need to figure out how to get that to work at home too!!). Ms. Alva was amazed at her skills with cutting and pasting - I didn't even know she had those skills!

I'm thrilled to see that Keeley is growing and learning so much at school. Hopefully all her parent/teacher conferences will go this smoothly!!

1 comment:

  1. That's just too cute! She can come straighten anything in my house!!
