Friday, February 19, 2010


We got off to a bit of a bumpy start with the school transition for the girls.  Last week was supposed to be their first full week in the primary (for Keeley) and the toddler community (for Kayden).  Monday and Tuesday went fine.  Because I was in the hospital with Kendrick on Wednesday, they didn't go to school.  Thursday was hard for them to go to school because we had been gone all day Wednesday (thank goodness for Valentine's Parties and snow to distract). Friday was snowed out.  So, there wasn't a lot of consistency with school (or anything else really!) last week.

This week Kayden went to school all week and Keeley only missed school on Wednesday (because she was sick).  Keeley still tells me that she doesn't want to go to the "big kid school" but she doesn't cry or seem overly upset when we get to school.  While I'm sad to drop her off knowing she misses her friends, she always comes to the car at the end of the day with big smiles and is so very proud of the work that she has done.

Kayden is doing fabulously.  She doesn't mind getting out of the car in the morning, has a great time while she is there, and always comes bouncing and smiling to the car at the end of the day.  I was a little nervous about her being gone every morning, but she seems to really be loving it and that makes me so happy.  She's also gotten even more verbal in the last two weeks letting me know that she is definitely listening to all the other kids and the two new adults in her life.

I love, love, love seeing my girls so happy and learning at such a young age!

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