Monday, May 17, 2010

Reflux and Murmurs

We've had an interesting last month to say the least...

Kayden -
A few weeks ago, we took Kayden to the doctor because she was really fussy and hadn't been sleeping.  She had also developed this weird gulping thing.  I thought perhaps she had a sinus infection that was just draining down her throat.  The doctor said it sounded like reflux and prescribed zantac.  She said if Kayden wasn't better by Monday to call and they would call in prevacid. 

Kayden got a little better but then Keeley got bronchitis and Kayden did get a sinus infection.  After we cleared the sinus infection, she still wasn't better and I scheduled an appointment with the ENT.  With a very fast, in office procedure, he confirmed that she had severe reflux and significant damage.  He put us on prevacid and told us to come back in 6 weeks.  I wanted to talk to a GI doctor so we went the next day to see the doctor Kayden had seen as a baby.  He said that she should be significantly better in a week and that, if she wasn't, we would need to do an endoscopy to see what was causing the reflux and how significant the damage.

At one week she was worse.  The gulping started again and she was not sleeping.  We scheduled an endoscopy for two days laster.  There was a good chance that she has had "silent" reflux for quite some time.  Recurrent sinus infections (which she has had since she was a baby) can be a problem associated with reflux.  She had never exhibited any of the other reflux symptoms so we never had it tested.

All went well with the procedure.  Kayden didn't cry as she fell asleep or when she woke up.  The nurses said she just reached for her paci and started looking around.  She didn't cry in recovery at all.  The recovery nurse said she needs to come back and give lessons! Later that day she decided not to nap and learned how to climb out of her crib.  I'd say she was pretty unconcerned with the entire thing!

Everything looked fine except that Kayden has a few ulcers in her stomach that they biopsied. The esophagus damage that the ENT had seen was resolved which was good.  The biopsy results indicated that the ulcers were not a bacterial infection or caused by a disease - just the reflux.  We've had to switch medicines a few times due to them not working or Kayden just flat out refusing to take them.  Last night we had our first full night of sleep and today we had a good nap.  I'm hopeful she is starting to feel better.


In the midst of all this, I thought Keeley was getting sick.  Tired of waiting so long to be seen at our pediatrician's office, I decided to switch doctors.  We went to the doctor and she basically said that Keeley had a really bad cold, but was concerned about her heart murmur.  At 2 years old her old pediatrician had heard the murmur but she told me that it was gone when we had her 3 year old check up.  The new pediatrician said she definitely still had a murmur and would feel better if we saw a cardiologist.  I, too, would feel better knowing everything was okay.  However, the last thing I wanted to do was add another pediatric specialist to our list!  We went the following week and Keeley had an EKG and an echocardiogram done.  The pediatric cardiologist said that it was an "innocent heart murmur" and that we had nothing to worry about.  Relief!

Hopefully the summer will be much calmer and less drama filled!

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