Sunday, September 5, 2010

Selective Hearing

Kayden has amazing selective hearing. Even her teachers commented that Kayden spends a fair bit of time in the "listening chair" because she will completely disregard that she is being spoken to at all. Because of this, we are frequently working with her on manners and saying things like, "Kayden, Keeley asked you a question. It is polite to respond when someone asks a question." It is beyond frustrating to be ignored when you tell your kids something, but it is also rude.

Because Kayden thinks that she is three already, we are constantly answering the "why" question. I know that all parents get beat down by that, but I never understood that, not only is it frustrating to have such inquisitive minds ask endless questions but that sometimes parents just don't know the answer. When the latter situation arises and we are in the car, I often choose the brilliant parent technique of ignoring the question. I know. You shouldn't ignore people. It is rude. But sometimes I really don't have an answer and that frustrates them and it also frustrates me. And sometimes they are just asking to hear themselves talk and don't really care if I answer. And sometimes they will answer each other questions so I don't have to!

On a recent car trip, however, Kayden was quick to make me aware that I was being rude. We were all in car and she asked a question I didn't have an answer to (after many questions I was able to successfully answer). I chose my ignore tactic. She waited about 2 seconds and then said:

"MOM! I asked you a question!"

So, bottom line is that she IS listening all those times, most of the time she just chooses to act like she isn't!

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