Thursday, February 23, 2012

Cute things the kids are doing

Keeley - She is very focused on her family right now and frequently writes everyone's names.  It is really cute because she always writes them in age order and always includes Kendrick - Kerri, Kelly, Keeley, Kayden, Kendrick, Killian. 

Kayden - She has been very, very busy at school with her math and country work.  For the math works they use a graphite pencil to write the names (in contrast to a colored pencil they use on some of the works).  Each day she explains work to me she always tells me that she used a "giraffe-ite" pencil to write the numbers.  I love it!

Killian - He is in to absolutely everything and trying hard to communicate.  Unfortunately, for the most part he just waves his right hand and we are left to figure out what that means - "bye", "hi", "all done", "milk".  At least he is trying to communicate, right?

1 comment:

  1. Claire signs "milk" for milk, hi, bye, and pick me up. :)
