Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tea Time

"Mom!!!  Tea ready! Dad! Tea!!  Kee!  Kayen! Tea"  This is what I heard from upstairs as Kelly and I 
worked downstairs and the girls were in their rooms playing.  Killian had made tea for the entire family and wanted us to come.  When we joined him, he poured  us each a glass and continued to refill until we were full.  He is so adorable.  

I think my favorite part is that he wanted to make sure everyone had a saucer and cup so he had to use a skillet and the creamer cup - tea sets only come with 4 cups and there are 5 of us.  He prepared the tea on a tray and balanced it on a stroller so it could be moved in front of the sofa. So stinkin' cute!

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