Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Sayings I don't want to forget

Killian is really developing his independence and speaking his mind a lot more.  Some of the things I love -

* "me do it all myself!" - We hear this one frequently!
* "No, I busy" - If we ask him to do something he doesn't want to do - take a nap/go get his sisters/clean up his dinner plate.  This is the standard response.
* "My hams" - how he says hands.  I love it and fully understand that we need to address it soon, but for right now it is just so cute.
* " I need a little help here" - If he is having a hard time figuring something out - such as getting dressed on his own.
* "I boy" - If we call him a baby or anything else he always corrects us and says, "I not....I boy."  When I say, "That's right, you are a boy and I'm a girl."  he replies, "You not girl.  You Mommy."  Every time. Cracks me up.

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