Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some Updates

The girls are so sweet and have so much fun together. They have to be doing the same thing 99% of the time. Sometimes this is adorable. Here they are both hugging their babies.Other times it can be a bit trying on poor Mom.

* "Read" her first book last week. We were in the kitchen and she brought me an entire bag of books and said "want to read mommy". We sat down and read together for about 15 minutes and then I needed to cook dinner. Apparently I was being too noisy because she soon said "Quiet, Mommy. I'm reading". And, sure enough, she was! She was reading the correct words and turning the pages at the correct time. I understand she can't actually read yet, but she memorized all the words and what pages they are on! I was super impressed.

* Is still into interesting outfits. She has now expanded this to helping Kayden get dressed. Last week she insisted on 1. Wearing matching outfits with Kayden (again); 2. Picking out Kayden's shoes and socks AND putting them on her.

and 3. Wearing a hooded jacket... in the middle of August... in Texas...with flip flops!
* Has also expanded her dressing to helping Daddy get dressed. (I might have encouraged this one just a little bit. I couldn't resist. They were getting ready to go to the store)* Really is into her toes matching Oma or Mommy if there is a polish change. Not sure what she is matching here...

* Is going to be starting MDO soon. I've been doing some trial runs at the church nursery on Sunday and the childcare program they have during the week. So far, Kayden is NOT a happy camper. Keeley cried when I dropped her off but always stopped as soon as I was out of site - not the case with Kayden so far. I fear that this coupled with the monkey in her might pose a problem. Regardless, we just got her a cute little back pack. She was very excited to wear it and is running toward me saying "cheese" right here. How can you not love that little face?!

* She really and truly must have monkey ancestry. It got quiet this weekend and I wasn't worried because the only step stool in the bathroom was that tiny pink one (you can barely see it in the picture). When Kayden stands on it, her head doesn't even clear the top of the counter. Somehow though, she used her monkey toes and incredible strength to get herself in the sink....and then proceed to try to use Kelly's toothbrush.

Look at that deadpan look she is giving Kelly. "Yes, Dad. I'm IN the sink and about to use your toothbrush. I see no problem with this"

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