Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Right Now

Kayden is daily becoming better at getting her point across with her limited sentences. So far, her longest sentence has been "Keeley hit me". Which, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure was true since Kayden does most of the hitting at our house.

Anyway, Grandma was watching the girls the other evening for us and apparently was reading a book too fast for Kayden's liking. Kayden turned the page back to the one she wanted to read and said "stay here".

Today she and I were in the car and she requested gold fish, bar, and chicken (none of which we had). Each time I responded that we didn't have any. Her response. "RIGHT now." Apparently waiting is not going to be her strong suit.

Also, when we are riding in the car and she doesn't like a song she'll say "no like. song." and wave her hand until you change the station.


  1. I guess telling an 18-mo-old that patience is a virtue is a little futile! :)

  2. Hunter went through a phase where EVERY song that came on the radio, he'd respond with "no like that song." I finally had to tell him that the driver gets to pick the music!
