I'll be honest, we have a lot of drama. My girls are 3 and 4. I've frequently thought forward a few years to what the teenage years will be like. Today I had an entirely different reason to be worried.
School starts on Monday so I was busy today getting things ready. We had entered the bad time at our house (4-5) and girls were playing in Kayden's room. I was thrilled. No begging to watch tv, requests for snacks, or fighting....Then I peeked into Kayden's room and saw all this money spread all over the room. This money is all the "pig food" that Oma gives the girls when she comes over because their piggy banks get "hungry". They really know how to work Oma.
Anyway, when I say spread out, I mean placed all over the entire room. It was fairly evenly spread around the bed, into the closet, by the dresser. When I saw it, I asked the girls what had happened. Kayden responded with a giggle, "we wanted to trip the tiny people."
Oh my. I have no idea what that even means. I told them they needed to help me clean up. Then I noticed that there was what looked like tiny pieces of ceramic everywhere. I asked the girls what it was and Keeley said, "Oh, our piggies broke a little."
I asked how that happened and, apparently, they "jumped" off the bed. Well, now that there was tiny ceramic everywhere it wasn't safe for the girls to help me clean up the change. I sent them to Keeley's room while I cleaned up the change so I could vacuum up the ceramic. Keeley said we had to buy them new piggy banks since I was going to throw the old ones away. I told her we did not have to do that and that they knew the piggy banks weren't toys. Then, as I'm cleaning, I heard Keeley say through her tears, "we have to be sneaky and we can't even drive yet." I called her back into Kayden's room and asked why she needed to drive and she told me it was so they could go get piggy banks since I would not replace the broken ones. I'm not pleased that a 4 year old is already plotting to sneak out of the house!
OH MY!!! Hold on to your hats!!! =)