Friday, April 25, 2008


I no longer believe my daughter is a light sleeper. Today, after she FINALLY decided to take her afternoon nap, the lawn crew showed up. She slept. They rang the doorbell asking me to let the dogs in. She slept. The dogs ran through the house barking at the lawn crew. She slept. I am choosing to believe now that she only sleeps when she wants to. She wasn't overtired because she slept late and took a great morning nap - I think she just didn't want to be awake when all the commotion was occurring. I don't know how you fight that at the times when she doesn't want to sleep...but, for today, I'm thankful that she wanted sleep more than play time!


  1. strong-willed is strong-willed...asleep or awake! :)

  2. Yay Keeley! Hunter is totally a heavy sleeper. I just hammered like 6 nails in the wall and he didn't even notice. I'm glad Keeley got some good rest today:)
