Saturday, August 14, 2010


When we were planning Keeley's nursery we had a hard time spending the money on a glider/rocker that would be given away after it was out of the nursery. Our solution was to buy really nice lazy boy chairs that we would get after the "nursery" phase was over. That chair is awesome. When we found out we were pregnant with Kayden, we decided to get another since Keeley was still so little. Our logic was that we would each have one when the girls were through needing them.

Well, the girls are 2 and 3 and the really expensive and comfortable chairs are still in their rooms. The girls love to read and we spend about 30 minutes before naps and bedtime every day reading in those chairs so it seems logical to leave them in there.

Unfortunately, the girls aren't really babies anymore and are starting to not be as cautious with the chairs as we'd like. On Friday I walked into the girls trying to walk up the back of the chair that was in the reclined position. I told them that wasn't how we treated chairs and if I saw them do it again I would have to remove the chair from their room because they couldn't treat them nicely.

Fast forward three hours. The girls are having a "dance party" in Keeley's room with the door closed and I'm getting dinner ready in the kitchen. This is what I hear:

Kayden : "uh oh. I'll go get Mom."
Keeley: "NOOOOO!! Don't get Mom. I'll fix it. I'll fix it."

I gave her a couple minutes to "fix it" and then went to investigate. I walk into her standing next to the still rocking rocking chair. Keeley immediately says, "Mom, it accidentally...and I fixed it. I fixed it"

I swear I thought I had a few years to go before this started!!

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