Saturday, August 7, 2010

The left one

Keeley is very concerned about which item/seat/etc is hers. All the time. We are (still) obsessed with "the left one". Before you give her anything she will say "Is this the left one?" When she she walks up and sees something set out for her or for Kayden she will ask, "Is this the left one?" Even if the items are identical, she will ask if it is the left one or, "Which one is mine?" I long ago figured out it was easier to answer, "yes, that is the left one I gave you" or "this one is yours". What difference does it make?!?! An apple juice box is an apple juice box. Left, right, or center!

This week we headed to Mom's pool to swim for a bit. Monica and all her boys joined us so Mom made some cookies! I took one cookie for each of the "big kids" down to the pool. I had two on a plate for the boys and two on one for my girls. I showed Keeley the cookies and asked if she would like one. She looked at them and said "Which one is the left one?" I showed her and then smiled as I watched her try to reconcile her dilemma. She always has to have the left one. BUT, in this particular instance, the RIGHT one had bigger chocolate chips. What to do when you are three and the things you don't match up? You make it work. She quickly slid the cookies around the plate until the one with the bigger chips was on the left, looked at me, and said "I want the left one."

Thankfully, little sister was in the pool still and didn't witness big sister cheating her out of the better cookie!

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