Thursday, August 12, 2010

Which is funnier?

Kayden makes me laugh on a daily basis. She has a very cute sense of humor and an adorably sweet little face. However, both of these I think are funny and she did quite on accident and ended up in tears.

* While eating a rice krispie-ish treat she all of the sudden starts screaming and crying. I'm quite confused because I know they are good and that she likes them. When I finally get her to calm down, I find out that she is crying because she bit her own finger! Maybe we should work on pacing her eating a bit...

* Today during "nap time" she came out of her room screaming and crying. When I asked why she said "I'm locked out." She had closed her door behind her when she came out and didn't think about the fact that she can't work the child lock to get back in. Who cries when they are locked out of their own room by their own doing?

1 comment:

  1. These crack me up. I can't say I've never biten my own finger. :)
