Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Plus One

We are thrilled to announce that we are expecting again!  Baby Culhane should be arriving mid-May 2011.  It has been a bit of a rough start and so we chose to wait to tell the girls until my first trimester screen at 11 weeks.  Everything looked great so we told them at dinner a few weeks ago.  They were both very excited.  Keeley's immediate reaction was, "Can we name him Baby Kendrick?"  I told her that we didn't know if we were going to have a boy or girl so we couldn't pick a name yet. Her response was, "But we don't have a boy.  We only have girls."  Then she looked and noticed Kelly so she clarified, "We don't have a boy kiddo, only girls kiddos, so we need a boy kiddo."  I've tried to explain it doesn't work that way and that we don't get to choose but she is having none of that.  Hopefully we have a boy or we will have one really angry big sister! 

After we got past the gender issue a little, the girls wanted to talk about how big the baby was so I got out this awesome magazine I have that shows intra-uterine pictures of the baby at all stages.  I showed them what our baby looked like and then we had to walk through all the stages.  Then we looked at all the pictures of the days they were born.  They really enjoyed it and are telling everyone about the new baby.

Kayden is really excited.  She especially thought it was fun that she was going to get to be a big sister and a little sister just like Oma is.  The next day at school when I was picking her up, her teacher said, "Kayden told us all about the baby today."  Kayden immediately popped out of her seat and looked at my stomach and said, "is the baby out of your tummy yet, Mom?"  Needless to say, she's having a little bit of a more challenging time understanding the wait time.

Keeley also took a magazine to school the next day for show and share to tell her class just how big the baby is right now.  She informed me later that, when she grows up, she is going to marry Wesley and they are going to make a baby.  She's really intent on this marrying Wesley thing!

1 comment:

  1. So excited for you Kerri! Your girls will be great big sisters!
