This week was "Garden Festival" week at school. Each classroom had a day when they went to the garden and their parents were able to work along side of them while the upper elementary provided snacks in a little restaurant style area. At the school, the garden is essentially an outdoor classroom and all the works are extensions of what the students do in the classroom - there are color works (paint sticks where you find the matching colors), sifting works, mixing works, water works.... It was so much fun. I loved getting to see what the girls were interested in and watch them work. Keeley wanted to do fence "painting". She was so focused the entire time.
Kayden did several works but did fence painting the longest. It was a popular work -several of her friends asked if they could do it when she was finished.
Love the tongue! |
Can't believe the girls were so intent on their painting!! What a cool way to extend their studies=)