Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Cuddlebug is 2 months!

Her smirk.

Starting to talk.

Laughing. Too cute!

It is hard to believe this little angel has been here for two months already! Smiles are plentiful and big, as is the beginnings of laughter. Kayden has been such a joyful addition to our family. What is there not to love when you walk in to get her in the morning and she smiles at you with her tongue sticking out and then begins to talk to you?! Last night, Kelly and I talked to her for a good 15 minutes before she got tired of the conversation. It is appearing as though she will be a talker much like big sister - a trait they didn't get from their daddy.

Highlights of the past month:
* LOVES to be swaddled. We bought the "miracle blanket" for her. It isn't so much a miracle, but I am a horrible swaddler and this blanket makes it super easy. She takes all her naps in it (or in the moby wrap) and sleeps all night in it. She is sleeping 8 hours in a row (amazing!) so I'm not changing anything!!

* Continues to be an angel at Little Gym, playdates, and shopping. Everyone always comments about how she's sleeping. I keep telling them that she loves the wrap. Of course she loves it. She is snuggled next to her mom for frequent kisses and protected from big sister!

* She has started talking. I can honestly say I don't remember this phase with Keeley. Kayden will coo and gurgle with you like she's really having a conversation. If you sing to her, she sings back. Sometimes, she'll pause and look very seriously at you while taking a deep breath. It is almost as if she is working up to launch into a long speech. I'm loving every minute of it (even when those minutes are at 5:30 am).

* Still in love with big sister. This is beyond all explanation to me as Keeley isn't exactly gentle and is very interested in pointing (read: poking) body parts and helping place (read: shoving) her pacifier in her mouth. Despite all that, Kayden smiles at Keeley and follows her with her eyes as Keeley entertains us all.

I'm just in love with her. Her stats from the doctor:
weight: 12 lb 15 oz (90%)
length: 23 1/2 inches (85%)

The appointment was SO sad. I hate the shots so much. Kayden was a trooper though and did great. Dr. Frank said Kayden looked just perfect. We agree!


  1. She is just as sweet as can be! Baby smiles in the morning just make a day wonderful, don't they?!?

  2. Hey! This message is unrelated to either of your darling children....
    Those books I recommended are being sent back to their owner so you will have to get them on your own:)...sorry.
    The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield (I believe is the author)
    The Men's Guide to the Women's Bathroom....don't remember the author....not a spectacular book but a fun Texas read.

  3. I can't believe Kayden is 2 months old already. Wow. Sleeping 8 hours a night sounds nice too. I don't have a job or kids and I can't get 8 hours a night.

    The pictures are great!
