Saturday, March 28, 2009

More about the 2 year old

Keeley had her 2 year old check up this week. Here are her stats:

Length: 34.5 (65%)
Head circumference: 19 (69%)

The doctor says that is good because the numbers are close and they are supposed to be since they are both part of her skeleton. It is a bit perplexing because everyone comments about how tiny she is. Those numbers clearly show that she is above average...until you get to weight that is

Weight: 26lbs (35%)

This is perhaps because she really just doesn't eat. We talked about it and the doctor isn't worried. When she eats, it is usually fruit so there are much worse things she could be eating. When asked "Does she eat a balanced diet?" I had to say no because she is still a vegetarian 99.9% of the time. I would like to say we have moved passed the stage of physically wiping off her tongue if meat comes in contact with it, but that would be a lie. People think I'm joking when I say she really eats only fruit. I suppose that is a little bit of an exaggeration. Here are the things she will eat: fruit, carbs, cupcakes, cheese. You'll notice pizza is not on that list. Neither are french fries (or any other form of vegetable). When we go through the drive through, she asks for fruit. Occasionally I can get her to eat veggies, but that is occasionally only.

Her BMI 15.35 (21%)

When I asked if that was okay, her response was "wouldn't we all like to be in the 21%". To which I had to agree.

Developmentally, Keeley is fine so all is well until the 3 year check up. Hooray!

I forgot to mention on my other "2 year old update" that Keeley is really into counting right now and holds her own hand with pointing finger out when she does it. She has also started saying "thank you sweetie pie". I think this is adorable but have no idea where she picked it up!

Singing is becoming a favorite of hers, especially "Wheels on the bus" and "5 little monkeys". Unfortunately, as you can see below, she also really enjoys watching herself on the video camera and my phone so I haven't captured her very successfully yet. She was singing it more completely before I got the video camera out!

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