Monday, March 30, 2009

Too Many Doctors

Kayden had her first Kindermusik class today. Normally, she is very social and happy around other kids. Today she was a little bit reserved. I chalked it up to her being tired because she wasn't getting a morning nap due to Keeley's drop off time for MDO. We still had fun and I think she'll really like the class. During class, I received a call back from the doctor's office.

Kayden started having a runny nose and a little bit of a cough (just like Keeley has had for a while) on Saturday. Sunday and today she woke up with yucky stuff in her right eye. I called the nurse because I am SO tired of going to the doctor. I told her that we still have two different eye drops at home and asked which would be best and what the dosing should be. When she called back, she said that because Kayden is still so little, they don't recommend treating without seeing them.

So we went to the doctor. Again. She has the beginnings of a an ear infection in her left ear (it is swollen and has fluid in it) and a sinus infection. So frustrating because other than being a little clingy and not sleeping well, she is fine - no fever, eating well, playing well....

We are now on another antibiotic and scheduled to see the ENT on Monday. This will make an ear infection, 3 sinus infections, and one throat infection that have all been treated with antibiotics since she was born.

Remember I said she was clingy at class, perhaps she was tired or just not feeling well. You'd think both of those would get worse since we went straight from class to the doctor. Nope. She was super friendly at the doctor's office. She crawled all over, talked to people, laughed and smiled. Clearly, Kayden has spent entirely too much time there!

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