Thursday, April 2, 2009

Back to the OR for my babies

Okay, so if you keep up with the blog, you know that we were scheduled to take Kayden to the ENT on Monday. Yesterday, I called the pediatrician because I didn't think that Kayden was improving enough. They said it takes 2-3 days sometimes. Today her eye was still gross. Because I hate living at the doctor's office, I called to move the ENT appointment to this afternoon. I saw no reason to go to the pedi today and then to the ENT Monday.

The only big problem with this plan is that Keeley had to come with us (Monday she would have been at MDO). A smaller complication was that we had to see a different doctor than the doctor that did Keeley's surgery and I wasn't sure how I felt about that. Neither of those turned out to be too big of a deal, and I was thankful.

When going over the history of my girls, I mentioned that Dr. Mehendale took out Keeley's adenoids but didn't put tubes in. Dr. Ehmer looked at me a little odd and said that was very unusual. He then proceeded to examine Kayden and confirmed that she, too, only needed adenoids removed. After he said that, he paused and said that he couldn't remember ever performing just an adenoidectomy without tubes in this age group. Of course my girls would be different.

Basically, this is where we are. He confirmed that she still has a yucky sinus infection and that it should definitely be getting better soon. We are taking a very strong antibiotic. He did not like the fact that 4 days in she still had an oozy eye. If it is not better by Monday, we are supposed to schedule surgery since she keeps getting infection. He'll remove her adenoids. The only other treatment is 3 months of antibiotics. I said absolutely not and he didn't like that idea either. We've essentially done that and then some since we've been on 5 rounds of antibiotics since November.

He is really conservative though and does not want to do surgery now. That was discussed before he even examined her. He is hoping that the antibiotics she started on Monday will take care of it and we can postpone surgery. Surgery is definitely in her future (no surprise as all of us have had sinus surgery), we are just hoping to keep it away for a little bit. If she has surgery before she is a year, they will keep her overnight at the hospital to monitor her breathing (since her nasal passages are small even before the swelling from surgery).

I'm really not ready for my baby to spend a night in the hospital. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Best case scenario will be that the weather and antibiotics clear her out. I'm not terribly hopeful at this point though because she doesn't appear to be any better at all so far.


  1. Poor baby! I'll be thinking about her!

  2. I'm so sorry she's having to deal with this, as are you. I've been thinking about you guys a lot. Sending you "get well" vibes.

    Love ya,

  3. Oh My God!!! I will pray for you all first and then Miss Kayden!! Keep us posted.
    Love you all bunches!!
    Aunt Char
