Saturday, April 18, 2009

Who am I kidding?

Keeley is never going to let me dress her. I know it is good that she can dress herself and that she is opinionated. I suppose I should just accept the fact that she will be extremely independent. It is just hard when I see other little girls that allowed their moms to do something with their hair and clothes. I can't even select the clothes she wears, much less make her wear them.

This morning she woke up with crazy hair and refused to let me do anything to it. After a while of watching her brush her hair out of her eyes, I asked her if she'd like for me to use some hairspray on it. Once sitting still to let me do that, she even let me put pig tails in!
Of course, she immediately took one of them out.

And left for little gym with her shirt and pants backwards and one pig tail.
At least we talked her out of footie pjs.


  1. She looks so much like you when you were little! :)
    I love her FLAIR! :)
