Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Surgery Day

Kayden did awesome today! Here is a run down of our day:

* Because I was told we have to be at the hospital at 5:40, I wake up at 4:30 and we are gone by 5:10.

* Park in ER parking (as instructed) and proceed to check in.

* Arrive at info desk at 5:35 only to be told that admitting doesn't open until 6 (slightly annoying since I am only there so early because I was told I needed to be)

* Am instructed to check in on the kiosks. After FOUR attempts, give up and tell the security guard. He says he will tell the admitting people I was first when they open. (a little more annoyed at this point)

* Wait with Kayden and notice 3 families enter through the main entrance even though I was told I couldn't enter that way.

* Begin admitting process promptly at 6 (even though I saw her at 5:45 getting ready) and explain that I couldn't check in on the kiosk because, even though it asked if I needed to change info, it wouldn't let me. Her response? "Those machines won't let you change anything" WHY IN THE WORLD DID IT ASK ME THAT THEN!?!??!?!?!

Needless to say, I was more than a little ticked by the time we got back to surgery. However, everything was wondeful after that. Kayden got her "goofy juice" and we talked to her surgeon. At this point, Kayden's eyes were all crusty and nose was really runny. He said that it was kinda gross, even for him. You know that is a bad sign! Her surgery went well, he came back after the 15 minutes to tell me that her adenoids were 100% blocking her air passage and that he couldn't even see the back of her nose when he first got in there. POOR KAYDEN! They removed them and then flushed a liter of fluid through to clear out all the mucus.

She was pretty calm and sleepy in recovery and the first little bit once we moved to the room upstairs. Once she woke up from the anesthesia, it was a different story. She was mad at the IV and monitor on her toe and in pain. This led to about an hour and a half of fairly inconsolable crying. After a little tyelnol, she calmed down and was super excited to visit with Keeley and Daddy.

She chowed down on turkey, pancake, banana, and apple juice and then took a good nap. All her numbers looked good during the nap. We spend the afternoon visiting everyone in the hospital in the wagon. She was such a trooper. She also hung out in her crib and played a little when she was tired but not sleeping.

We were discharged because the doctor said his main concerns are that the kids eat and drink well (she was doing both while he was talking to us) and that she not be acting like she was sick (she was trying to crawl of the bed at this point). Because none of that was an issue, we were released! Hooray. I'm supposed to sleep in her room tonight but he doesn't expect any problems. Thanks to everyone for your prayers!!!!