Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Take off your ring

Driving away from music class today, Kayden asked if Ms. Nina's Poppy had died too. I said that I didn't know about Ms. Nina's Poppy but that her Poppy had died (she never met him) and was in heaven with her baby brother, Kendrick.

Keeley said, "Before you die, Mom, you need to take off your ring."

I was very confused both as to how the conversation had turned to me dying and what ring she was talking about. When I asked her about, she got sort of exasperated (teen years are going to be fun...) and said, "Before you die you need to take off the ring that makes you happy about Kendrick because you are going to see him."

Sometimes they say things that just honestly amaze me. The weekend after I delivered Kendrick, I purchased a ring with his birthstone in it. When the girls have asked about it, I tell them it is a ring to help me remember Kendrick and it makes me happy. I can honestly not tell you the last time we have talked about that, but I suppose it has stuck Keeley. And, I suppose she is right. I won't need the ring when I have him.

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