Sunday, December 19, 2010

Big girl beds

We've been wanting to get Keeley a big girl bed for awhile now and she kept telling us she would get on when she was four.  Well, fast forward to the last week when we were up at least once a night (most nights twice) with Kayden for an hour at a time.  It is getting too uncomfortable for me to lay next to her on the floor and pat her back and she throws a massive fit if Kelly goes in there and screams for 20-30 minutes.  So, I decided it was time to get them their beds and then if we had to go in, at least I could lay in a bed.

We went to the mattress store, which the the girls thought looked like a store full of trampolines, and picked out their mattresses.  When we were leaving, I asked if they were excited about getting their beds.  Keeley said, "Well, we only need one.  One that is big enough for me and Kayden so we can sleep together."  I told her that we had to get two beds because they didn't do well when they tried to nap together and that sometimes she didn't let Kayden in her room.  She agreed to that when I told her that we could still try slumber parties at night time.

It was a bit of a rough start to the slumber party because each wanted to be in their own bed, but Kayden finally gave in to being in Keeley's bed and I stayed with them until they fell asleep. 

This is how we found them when we went to bed:
So cute.  It lasted until about 11:30 when they both showed up in our room.  We split up and by 2:30, everyone (including Mom and Dad) were in their own beds.  Not sure if that is a success or not. I did have to wake them up this morning, we'll see.  The jury is still out on how they will do, but this pregnant momma sure enjoyed not getting up and down off the floor!

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