Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nap Time

I know, another post about naps.  This just made me laugh though because of her thought process.  By her, I mean Kayden, in case you were wondering...

Anyway, last night Kayden finally surrendered to sleep somewhere between 8:45 and 9.  She walked out of her room the instant my clock read 6:30 announcing that her light was yellow.  While I'm glad she was in there until her allowed wake time, the fact that she came out as soon as it was 6:30 leads me to wonder how long she was in her room waiting...The day before she woke up at 7, so she was awake for 14.5 hours (no naps you know) and then slept for 9.5.  I'm a grown up and I need more sleep than that.  Nevermind a three year old.  I'm sure you are all shocked to know that we had several meltdowns and massive fits all before 11am.  As we were pulling in the garage after dropping the dogs off to get a bath, we were in the middle of another meltdown in the car.  It is only 9:52 at this point....

Mom: "Kayden, you probably don't feel very good because you woke up early and went to bed so late.  You are probably tired.  You should take a nap during quiet time so that you have lots of energy to play with Oma later today."

Kayden: "Yea...I will."  small pause "but I might need to do something else in my room.  Like, (and she holds up her fingers to count) an activity ooooorrr play with my dolls ooooorrr rest.  I might not be able to take a nap.

Lord help us.  It is going to be a long day.