Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"Don't eat peas out of the dust pan"

When I uttered that statement today to my precocious 22 month old, I was instantly aware that I am losing the war. Previously, I felt I was just losing the small battles on a daily basis. Now I am quite certain that being outnumbered is not good for my mothering skills. I need to keep this in mind any time I think that having another kid is something I wish we had done...

I was just trying to eat my lunch. I know, I know. Eating a calm meal with no problems goes out the window as soon as you have a baby. Really, I suppose it goes out the window when you get pregnant because you are nauseous, getting up to pee a million times, having heartburn, picking at your food because it just doesn't look good, eating in small quantities because you there is no room for your stomach, etc.

Anyway, I was trying to eat my lunch today while Keeley and Kayden played in the kitchen. Keeley had requested some Just Peas. I was thrilled because that is a vegetable. As she was eating from the container (she is really into that right now), she spilled some. Kayden immediately crawled over to try to eat the scattered peas. I didn't worry about that because Kayden can have peas and she needs to work on finger food anyway. Keeley did worry about it. Apparently Kayden is not allowed to eat her food or come close to it. Obviously this means that Keeley should take her hand to scatter peas all over the floor and move around as Kayden tries to eat the newly scattered peas. Kayden followed the peas, Keeley followed Kayden and continued to scatter.

This went on for a moment or two and I tried to ignore them. My ability to ignore ended when I noticed Keeley intentionally getting the peas out of the container and putting them on the floor to scatter. I took the peas away and went to get the dust pan and broom. This resulted in serious melt down from Keeley because she insists on helping with everything. I decided to sweep and let her carry the dustpan full of peas. This didn't work for two reasons 1. she can't carry the dustpan and dump it in the trash without spilling everywhere and 2. the dustpan was too tempting as a plate. She hadn't made it three steps before her mouth was in the dustpan getting the peas to stick to her tongue. Gross.


  1. I know it was not funny at the time but it is hilarious to read this now! :)
    Love you!

  2. It builds up the immune system, right!?!? :)
