Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Singing a Different Tune

When we started Mother's Day Out, there was definite drama upon drop off and pick up each day. This improved slowly. First we ended the drama and there was just a sad resignation about leaving me and we had very enthusiastic reunions. Then we moved to okay drop offs and me having to wait around for her to get ready to leave. This week tops it all.

When walking up to the doors to drop her off, Keeley tripped and cut her lip (side note: I swear she is just determined to have no front teeth with the number of times she hits them). She was crying and I was dreading the hand-off. I asked her teacher if I could come in and make sure that she was okay. I checked her out and Ms. Karen asked to hold her. Keeley lifted her arms and Kayden and I left.

I was one of the first ones at pick up time. I peaked through the window and saw her eating her snack with her friends at the little half circle table. She smiled and said "Hiyeeeeee". I came inside to gather everything up since she was still eating. When I got inside, Ms. Kathy told me that she requested Luke be her buddy. I asked what she meant and they told me that when she was put in the bye-bye buggy to go on their walk that she immediately pointed to the seat next to her and said "Luke". That sounds more like a demand than a request, but still pretty cute. Apparently she asked for Luke to sit next to her at the table too because he was there in place of her regular dining companion. I'm not entirely sure the obsession is reciprocal but he does at least like her a little because they were sharing snacks - too cute.

Other parents came and we said bye to Kaleb, to Peter, to Jessica, to Luke - and Keeley was still eating. She finally finished her snack and I asked if she was ready to go home. She looked at me, shook her head, and said "nope" with a smile. I got her out of her table and she proceeded to run around the room hiding and saying "bye bye". I asked if she was saying good bye to Maysen. She said "no, mama". Well, okay then. Apparently she is too busy for Mom!

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