Friday, January 29, 2010

Baby Boy

Apparently, this little baby boy is going to be just as good at keeping us on our toes as his big sisters.  From the start, this pregnancy has been different.  I haven't felt good.  Now, I am counting my blessings for not being as sick as many of my friends have been, but I certainly felt much better with the girls!  I also have been ridiculously tired.  First trimesters are supposed to be rough and I know you are supposed to be tired.  But I wasn't even this tired with Kayden (and Keeley was only 5.5 months old when I got pregnant so you know I wasn't sleeping through the night yet!). I'm also experiencing this weird insomnia where it is difficult for me to sleep between 1am and 4am...

I had all these plans when we found out I was pregnant. I wasn't going to tell anyone until the second trimester and I was going to eat better and exercise more diligently than I did with the girls.  Well, 6.5 weeks into the pregnancy, I end up at the ER with bleeding so I have to tell immediate family so Kelly can take me to the hospital and someone can stay with the girls.  Then I get, and stay, really sick so I don't ever want to eat.  AND, I'm put on bed rest for a couple of weeks so I can't exercise. 

Still planning to wait on announcing the baby to the "world", I plan to wait until the 12 week ultrasound.  At 8 weeks, my bleeding stopped and the baby looked good so we did tell friends and family.  At 10.5 weeks, I end up back at the ER for some more bleeding and cramping...everything is fine, thankfully!  At 12 weeks, everything looked good and the baby appeared to be a boy.  We announce to the "world".

One week later, I'm back in the ER at 3am with heavy bleeding, convinced I have miscarried.  I haven't, thankfully, and the baby seems unconcerned by all the drama I'm experiencing.  He's just kicking away growing right on schedule.  Numerous medical professionals and several ultrasounds have confirmed that all seems fine...even though the bleeding and bed rest persist.

To sum up the past 14 weeks, 3 days for baby boy: 3 ER trips, 7 ultrasounds, complete control over mom's activities, controlling how much time Mom can spend with big sisters.  Most exciting though, I felt him move for the first time two nights ago! I think he is doing his part to make sure no one forgets about him!


  1. We pray that all goes well. I'm sorry things have been difficult. We are thinking of you all.

  2. Sorry you've had such a hard time so far. I hope things get better and that this is an uncomplicated pregnancy for you.
