Sunday, January 10, 2010

Coming soon...

After being pretty much 100% certain that we were done having children, Kelly and I decided to try for a third. Almost immediately following this decision, I found out I was pregnant. Kelly's response when I told him "we're good at this"! I suppose we are. I had an ultrasound on Monday and am 12.5 weeks so we are telling the "world".

Bigger surprise, even to us, this little peanut is a BOY. They told me not to paint the nursery yet, because it is still a little early to be sure, but the tech was over 90% certain and she's only been wrong 1 time in the last 10 years. So, while we may not be painting the nursery, we are certainly starting to think of boy names.

The girls seem to be handling it pretty well. Kayden talks about how she will be a big sister when the baby in my tummy gets here and yesterday Keeley climbed in my lap to snuggle with the baby. Hopefully this will be a good sign of things to come...


  1. I'm SO SO happy for y'all! I'm glad the girls are excited, too.

  2. Just read your great news! Congratulations. You guys make beautiful babies.

  3. Yay!!! Another cute little Culhane running around. I'm so excited for you guys!! What fun news.

  4. SO excited for y'all! Yay for boys:)

  5. Kerri,

    I am SOOOO excited for you. HOORAY!
