Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fifteen months old!

No picture to add, but I wanted to do a quick update on Killian after his 15 month appointment.

* Weight - 23.16 lbs (55.14%)
* Length - 31.5 inches (60.3%)
* Head - 18.5 (54.59%)

She said he was textbook perfect :-).  He could do all the things on her check off list for 15 months and when she went through the list for 18 months there was only one thing he wasn't already doing (using two words together) so she said he was quite advanced.  I reminded her that he thinks he's every bit as old as the girls.  Today I caught him leaning on the couch flipping through a book and "reading" it out loud.  So adorably cute.  He is sleeping from about 6:30-7 to 6:00ish in the morning and we are officially down to one nap.  That nap is 1 hour to 1hour 45 minutes.  Just enough time for me to get a second to myself and a second with the girls and then we are a big family again.  We nurse every morning and right before that nap. If I am not available for that nap he will go down just fine, he just makes a fuss about nursing if I am present. He is every bit one of my children - covered in bumps and bruises from all his escapades.  He loves to climb and can now get on top of the kitchen table and the toilet.  He is obsessed with the toilet and the dog food and water.  Our life is anything but boring with him around!

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