Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ruining her life

Tonight at bedtime reading Keeley corrected me 4 times about where I was supposed to be reading in our book.  After the 4th time, I simply closed the book and tried to start reading the next book she had selected.  She wanted to choose a story in it and started looking through the book and I wanted to get on with reading so I started Kayden's book.  This resulted in tears and Keeley leaving the room. After loud sobbing for a few minutes, I went to check on her.  When I got in her room she said through sobbing, "Why are you doing this?  Why are you making everything so hard for me?"  Oh the drama. Unfortunately, this sounds exactly like how I was as a child so I have only myself to blame.  We worked through it and ended the night happy with each other.

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