Wednesday, December 24, 2008


This was a hard Christmas without Daddy. Although, I think last year might have been more difficult because there was more sadness. This year, it was sad but also very surreal. Fortunately, we are blessed to have two angels that make us smile and keep us busy. I know that Daddy/Poppy has been around lately.

Before Kelly and I left for our trip, I spent a lot of time talking to the girls about what would happen. I told them Oma would come over to stay with them while we were gone and that Kendall and Angie would come visit. We talked about it a lot because Keeley is very much a child that needs to know what is happening and needs her routine. The day before we left, we were talking about it again and I told her that Oma was going to come over. She looked at me and thought for a second and then said "Pop". I said, that yes, I supposed Poppy might come too. She nodded.

The next day, Mom texted me while we were at the airport telling me that she and Keeley were dancing in the living room. Mom asked Keeley to tell Kayden who she was dancing with and Keeley said Oma and then Poppy.

It is so surreal to think that Daddy isn't here and it has been that way for almost one year. I am comforted to know that he is still here in spirit and that my girls are cultivating a relationship with him - even if I can't see it!

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