Friday, January 13, 2012

Lights and Magnatiles

I love, love, love the magna tiles that my mom talked me into buying!  They are expensive but so worth it.  The girls have had hours of play already and they continue to get more creative with their play each time they use them. I suggested that they play with them on the light box today.
All three kiddos exploring the magna tiles.
Kayden was choosing her pieces and building off to the side.
Brother watches his big sisters so very carefully.
Killian exploring the magna tiles.
Keeley building with them while Kayden works off to the side.
Brother right on top of the action.
"Hi, Mom!"
pushing pieces onto the floor
"There it is on the floor.  And look at me standing up!"

Kayden made me a "bowl of soup" it was a cube inside a cube and she showed me how to open each cube without collapsing it so I could enjoy my "warm soup".
Keeley created a "home" and a "school" and then went to find small animals to go inside.
Killian climbed in the box where we store the magnatiles.  He was not so pleased with that decision.
The girls played for about an hour and a half with the light box - tracing and then building with the magna tiles.  Killian played for about 10 minutes in there.  Success in my book!

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