Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Rice Cereal

Killian is not a fan of most baby food.  One thing he really dislikes is rice cereal.  I have some that I tried when we first started introducing solids and decided that instead of just throwing it away, the kids could play with it.  I set them up on a blanket out front with some bowls and spoons and let them play.  I figured it was safe to eat if they did eat it and it was a nice way to feel better about the fact that I had purchased it and he wasn't eating it.  There are a lot of pictures, I just kept getting tickled at what they were doing...we had lots of fun and it was all fine.  Until at the very end some open waters were brought to the blanket.  Then those waters were spilled.  Then we had sticky messy rice cereal everywhere and I was done with the mess so we packed it up and headed inside.  We had a good half hour outside though before that happened.

All set up.  Keeley brought out everyone's water in case they got thirsty.
Playing with the bowls.
Kayden pouring in some more cereal even though I had already put some in the bowl.

Sprinkling some out for everyone...
Keeley pouring herself a plate of rice cereal.
"I'm not sure about this, Mom."

"Hrm...I got a little dirty..."
Scooping and pouring.
"I'm so confused by this stuff on my legs."
"Now it is on my arms too!  What is going on?"
"The bowl doesn't have much left in it..."
Keeley filling up Killian's bowl again.  Kayden sprinkling more on the green blanket.
Exploring with her feet.
Spooning it...
A whisk..
Filling a lid and making it level.
And Keeley chose to eat the dry rice cereal claiming it was good.  She ate a lot of it. At least it is fortified right?  She is my more selective eater...

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