Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The girls woke up early this morning so they had lots of time to play, eat, and get ready for school. They played together and played a lot with Killian.  Right as I told them to get their shoes on and head to the car Keeley walks up to me and we have this conversation:

Keeley: Mom, we have two brothers in our family but one brother, Kendrick, died.
Me: He did.
Keeley: But we'll get to see him when we die and we'll be a whole family.  But we won't die for a long time.  When we do though we'll get to be a whole family.
Me:  We will.  That will make me happy.  I really miss Kendrick.
Keeley: You showed us pictures of him.  (After many, many requests from the girls, we showed them the pictures we took of Kendrick after he was delivered)
Me: I did.
Keeley: But we didn't meet him.  We will when we die.

We do have two brothers in our family and, as sad as it still makes me to talk about Kendrick, I'm glad the girls still count him as a part of the family.  One day soon Killian will know that he has a brother too.

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