Saturday, November 22, 2008

Eyes in the back of my head

Apparently that is what I will need now. In just one day,

Kayden learned to sit up in her crib and play with her turtle. She is now moving very intentionally all over and exploring new "toys" (read: humidifier, end tables, cords....)

Keeley learned to stand on the pacifier box in her crib,

climb into Kayden's crib (and she does it SUPER fast),

get into Kayden's exersaucer while Kayden is in it (yes, there are 4 legs on the floor),
and open the back door. I am beginning to believe my pediatrician was correct when she told me that I'd probably lose 20 pounds just keeping up with the kids now that Kayden is mobile!


  1. Holy Cow!!!!! You told me about all this but seeing it.....Wow!

  2. That's an insane amount of progress! (Plus, the opening doors thing is such a pain!)

  3. Keeley is too cute! I love that she gets in the exercauser with Kayden!

    Hunter broke the tie off of one of the corners of his bumpers in his crib by standing on top of them. I guess that's clarification that he's a little old for them now!
