Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tooth Fairy

A little over one month ago Keeley told me her bottom tooth was loose. I panicked, certain it was too early.  When I spoke with the dentist he assured me that this was right on schedule and that it should fall out in a week or so.  Well it just now fell out.  Moments before Kelly and I left to attend a party last night Keeley was wiggling her tooth and it came out.  She looked completely shocked, smiled, and then ran to her room.  When I went in her room she covered her mouth and pointed to the door telling me that Keeley and Dad could come in but not me.  After they looked, she decided to let me in to look.

We left for the party and left Oma in charge of reading the Tooth Fairy book again and making sure the tooth was set to go.  When I got home from the party Oma told me that both girls were totally freaked out about the tooth fairy bothering them.  She also told me that Keeley had written two notes.  I got the picture above of the note on her door but didn't flash the camera inside so I missed the inside note (it was a note telling the tooth fairy where to look).

The Tooth Fairy did visit Keeley last night, took the notes and her tooth and left her some money and a sprinkling of glitter.  Both girls were so excited to see the money and all the glitter.  The Tooth Fairy entered through Keeley's door from the looks of the glitter trail which pleased the girls because they were concerned about having her peek through the window.  When I asked Keeley about what she should do with her money she told me that, "Maybe I'll save it for the house I'm going to get when I'm bigger."  NO idea where that came from!

 Here she is this morning...

No longer afraid of the Tooth Fairy or the tooth falling out process, she set to wiggling that second tooth that has been loose a while.  During a trip to the park today with Kelly she told him it was time to come home and get her other tooth out - and she did!!  Look how much older she looks now!!!!
Fortunately for me, she wanted to write the notes again for the Tooth Fairy so I got a picture of the one inside her room before the Tooth Fairy took it for her files!

Hopefully we won't lose anymore for a while. I can already see the teeth coming in where the holes are.  I'm totally not ready for her to grow up!


  1. I LOVE IT!!! She is sa darn cute with her 2 teeth missing!

  2. Love it!
    One year, my room was soooo messy...imagine not a lick of carpet showing...that I was afraid the tooth fairy wouldn't be able to find my tooth so I also wrote a note and posted arrows from the hallway to the tooth in my room....just in case. Because, Lord knows, I wasn't going to clean up my room for the Tooth Fairy! :) That would have been way too easy!

  3. So cute! She does look so much older now!
