Friday, March 23, 2012


Upon getting in the car at carpool today, Kayden decided she needed to take off her jumper and shirt.  She rode home in modesty shorts, shoes, and socks.  We used to have huge battles that resulted in my yelling and her crying or sometimes her yelling and my crying because she wouldn't just get in and sit down and buckle herself.  I would watch the line of car behind me pile up and feel my anxiety rise.  I solved that by moving forward and out of the line a little.  Now it still takes forever but no one gets upset, except sometimes Killian or Keeley get impatient...

Anyway, today I actually parked the car because it was taking so long.  As she buckled the final buckle and we were pulling away she says, "MOM, I have a great idea".  I asked about it and she said:

Kayden: When we are building our new house, we can go to Disney World so we have a place to stay.
Me:  Which new house Kayden?
Kayden: The one we are going to build.  The one that will have stairs like Oma's.
Me:  Oh. It takes a LONG time to build a house Kayden.  We'd have to be at Disney World for a several months.
Kayden:  That's okay.
Me: What about Daddy's work?  And wouldn't Oma miss us?
Kayden: Oma could come with us.

Everything about the entire 10 minutes makes me wonder what all goes on inside that head.  Why would she need to strip upon getting in the car, we aren't moving at all so why would that cross her mind, we've never said you had to stay somewhere else when you are building a new house....One thing is for sure though, something is always going on in there!

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